Scoop deVille + Fall Foliage Drive & Poker Run 2012
The Milwaukee Minis ventured north this month to gather at Scoop deVille in Hartford. For dinner, it was hot dogs all around, followed by homemade Ice Cream. The ice cream parlor also has old-fashioned fountain sodas, candy, roasted nuts and chocolates wrapped up in a 1950’s themed diner. You’ll know you’re near it when you smell the wonderful aroma of cinnamon wafting out from the door! View Photos…
Finally, the beauty of Fall was painting the land and the Milwaukee Minis were ready to take in the colors. The Fall Foliage Drive and Poker Run took us around the hills surrounding the Holy Hill area, well known for it’s fall colors and twisty roads. Our final destination brought us to Revere’s Wells Street Tavern in Delafield for poker door prizes, merry drinks, and a much relished lunch. View Photos…
Scoop deVille
Scoop deVille in Harford, Wisconsin. The best part is the powerful aroma of cinnamon outside.
Scoop deVille in Harford, Wisconsin. The best part is the powerful aroma of cinnamon outside.
All sort of candy, ice cream and fountain soda, wrapped up in a 1950's theme.
All sort of candy, ice cream and fountain soda, wrapped up in a 1950's theme.
So many flavors!
So many flavors!
They even have Nehi and Green River in bottles.
They even have Nehi and Green River in bottles.
There's one brain that would turn me into a zombie!
There's one brain that would turn me into a zombie!
Dinner was a hot dog and Cherry fountain soda. The soda wasn't quite what I was expecting.
Dinner was a hot dog and Cherry fountain soda. The soda wasn't quite what I was expecting.
Checking out the juke box.
Checking out the juke box.
Apple pie ice cream. The apple pieces were nicely done; not too big so they don't freeze into hard little nuggets like other apple ice cream I've had. It could have used a little more on the pie flavor side. Should have gone for the baked alaska!
Apple pie ice cream. The apple pieces were nicely done; not too big so they don't freeze into hard little nuggets like other apple ice cream I've had. It could have used a little more on the pie flavor side. Should have gone for the baked alaska!
Fall Foliage Drive & Poker Run 2012
The Milwaukee Minis and friends meet up in Hartland for a drive around the countryside.
The Milwaukee Minis and friends meet up in Hartland for a drive around the countryside.
We're off! The color is just WONDERFUL!
We're off! The color is just WONDERFUL!
Our first stop at the Farmer's Market.
Our first stop at the Farmer's Market.
Holy Hill
Holy Hill
Stop two at the Fox and Hounds restaurant
Stop two at the Fox and Hounds restaurant
Stop three at the Monches Park.
Stop three at the Monches Park.
Cobra - Real or Fake?
Cobra - Real or Fake?
Final stop at Revere's Wells Street Tavern in Delafield.
Final stop at Revere's Wells Street Tavern in Delafield.