Bargain-hunting Bessie takes us out to for a night of pizza and donut delights. Our first stop is at Transfer Pizzeria and Cafe , set in an old pharmacy turned bar, art gallery and restaurant. The pizza was wonderful. The roasted chicken potato garlic sauce pizza was delicious, as was our traditional sausage and pepperoni. With such strange pizza combos, you almost have to go back to try the new flavors. Their groupon sold us on this place!
Our second stop took us out for mini donuts at The Drive-thru on North and Oakland. This was once Sil’s Drive-thru and had the same menu. I had actually bought the Google Offer thinking it was Sil’s. We went anyway to check it out. It’s been two years since we last had donuts there, so how did it compare? While I thought they were good, I wasn’t bowled over by the awesomeness that I remembered from the last trip to Sil’s in 2010 . Still enjoyable though.
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And if you want to support our adventures, buy a Groupon through this link and we get $10! Thanks!
The menu of Transfer Pizzeria and Cafe. They've got it on their website, too.
The menu of Transfer Pizzeria and Cafe. They've got it on their website, too.
Chris goes with a local Sprechers favorite.
Chris goes with a local Sprechers favorite.
Alligator on your pizza? Maybe next time...
Alligator on your pizza? Maybe next time...
Jenny and Brian.
Jenny and Brian.
Candid photo of Chris and Caren (me!)
Candid photo of Chris and Caren (me!)
On top, we've got a garlic sauce roasted chicken potato. Underneath, traditional cheese and sausage. Both excellent!
On top, we've got a garlic sauce roasted chicken potato. Underneath, traditional cheese and sausage. Both excellent!
The obligatory "stuff my face" shot. He can eat 3 pieces in the time it take me to eat one.
The obligatory "stuff my face" shot. He can eat 3 pieces in the time it take me to eat one.
You can still see the remains of the original pharmacy. Very well updated.
You can still see the remains of the original pharmacy. Very well updated.
Bessie at Transfer Pizzeria and Café
Bessie at Transfer Pizzeria and Café
You'd think when another liquid yellow MINI pulls up beside you they'd wave. No. She didn't.
You'd think when another liquid yellow MINI pulls up beside you they'd wave. No. She didn't.
This place was once Sil's Drive Thru serving mini donuts. Now it's "The Drive Thru" but still sells mini donuts. I bought a Google Offer thinking it was Sil's. We went anyway to check it out.
This place was once Sil's Drive Thru serving mini donuts. Now it's "The Drive Thru" but still sells mini donuts. I bought a Google Offer thinking it was Sil's. We went anyway to check it out.
Oddly there aren't discounted rates for buying more donuts. We got the family pack of 36 donuts for $12.
Oddly there aren't discounted rates for buying more donuts. We got the family pack of 36 donuts for $12.
We got 5 sauces (one freebie, thanks!) including vanilla, chocolate, caramel, strawberry and raspberry.
We got 5 sauces (one freebie, thanks!) including vanilla, chocolate, caramel, strawberry and raspberry.
Dipping into the vanilla.
Dipping into the vanilla.
The basic donut. We got both the cinnamon sugar and powdered sugar. That's the combo, not some of each flavor, but both flavors together.
The basic donut. We got both the cinnamon sugar and powdered sugar. That's the combo, not some of each flavor, but both flavors together.
Dipped in strawberry.
Dipped in strawberry.
Brian was so addicted, he went back for another 6 pack.
Brian was so addicted, he went back for another 6 pack.
Brian. Entertaining himself or keeping his mind off donuts.
Brian. Entertaining himself or keeping his mind off donuts.
The last bit of chocolate.
The last bit of chocolate.
Vanilla shot. Don't try this at home.
Vanilla shot. Don't try this at home.