
MINI from Space

Bessie's so big, you can see her from space! We just happened upon this photo of Bessie on Microsoft Virtual Earth. (You might have to download a plugin) She's waiting quietly at work, striking her best pose for the satellites. Can you find your car?

Adventure Fund

If you're looking for more MINI, check out our new aStore at A percentage of every sale goes to make this website a little more entertaining. Bessie would love a new tripod for the camera so she isn't in danger of going off the road while some driver decides to take a photo.

Enjoying the scenery? Download the wallpaper...

Ad Agency Run

Bessie's undeniable charm got us a couple free meals at Patrick MINI in Schaumburg, Illinois, courtesy of MINI and their ad agency, BSSP. The day also included a tour of the backroads of Illinois through rainy and cloudy weather. On our way back to good ol' Wisconsin, we stopped to look at a Nash Metropolitan